
Light Tariff for Public Administrations

Green energy from renewable 100% origin

At Audax Renewables we have a team of experts who have designed special energy solutions for Public Administrations. In this way, we provide councils, hospitals, colleges, universities, offices and other public bodies with competitive and efficient electricity rates.

Furthermore, in addition to these advantages, the energy consumed will be green energy from 100% renewable sources. This will allow Public Administrations to fulfill their commitment to environmental respect and sustainability.

Public Administration must be increasingly efficient in energy consumption and, in particular, electricity. In recent years, there has been an increase in consumption due to several factors, such as: greater extensions in public lighting or an increase in demand for equipment and facilities from the municipality's neighbors.

It is clear that the growth in electricity consumption and prices makes it advisable for public bodies to adopt strict energy saving and efficiency measures so that the budget line does not get out of control.

At this time, according to market conditions, we make personalized proposals at a fixed rate (without a standard offer), if you would like a proposal to be presented, do not hesitate to contact us.

See prices Light Indexed Tariff

See prices Fixed Light Tariff

At Audax Renewables we supply 100% renewable energy to all our customers. Green energy produced from inexhaustible natural resources that do not generate greenhouse gases or polluting emissions.

Green Energy 100% Renewable origin


All our customers enjoy green energy: private, commercial, large companies and administrations.

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The best electricity tariffs for Public Administration

With the aim of promoting light savings in public bodies, at Audax Renewables we prioritize adaptation to the real needs of each municipality.

Allow advice from our team of professionals, with proven experience in the public sector. We will help you choose the best tariffs, as we want you to have efficient, economical light consumption and, of course, the Public Administration's energy expenditure to decrease.

Among the tariffs available for Public Administrations we find:

  • Fixed rate: A constant price is established per fixed power rate and per energy rate for all months. It is a solution that offers you peace of mind and security because the public body will always know what value it will pay for the energy.
  • Indexed Rate: aimed at Public Administrations that want to pay the electricity price at the wholesale market price every month, depending on the price established in the pool. The main advantage of this tariff is achieving significant savings on your electricity bill, because you can adapt consumption in order to take advantage of the hours when electricity is cheaper, as well as avoiding the risk premium of fixed tariffs.

How can you make additional savings in your account?

We would like to remind you that if your Public Administration is still paying a penalty for excess reactive energy, Audax Renewables offers you the possibility of installing a bank of capacitors to compensate for this energy and obtain savings on your electricity bill.

Electricity contracting for public bodies

At Audax Renovables we specialize in offering efficient energy solutions. Our commitment is to provide friendly service, personalized advice and the most competitive prices on the market. 
These factors have allowed us to consolidate our position as one of the leading companies.

If you want to minimize costs on your electricity bill, let our experts advise you. 

Among other measures, we take care of the entire process of changing supplier and group the billing of several supply points so that you can control all your bills centrally. Get the perfect electricity tariff for your public administration now.

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