
green energy

We offer you the possibility of contracting 100% electricity rates from renewable sources. This green energy, from renewable 100% origin, is clean energy because it does not produce greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, creating responsible consumption without harming the environment.

The modality of renewable energy is born out of this awareness and need.

We offer you the possibility of contracting 100% electricity rates from renewable sources: individuals, small and medium-sized companies, and large companies.

Green or renewable energy comes from inexhaustible natural sources, such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectricity.

We take care of the planet

We use renewable energy sources that do not contaminate the air, water or land. When we talk about green energy we are not only referring to the commercialization process, but also to the production process. We have wind farms and photovoltaic plants in Spain, a wind farm in Poland and photovoltaic plants in Portugal and Italy. We produce 100% energy from renewable sources and sell electricity, natural gas and energy efficiency. 


For your home or business

Enjoy clean energy suited to your needs, whether for your home, your business, your company or public administration. We put at your disposal a variety of fixed or indexed rates so that you can find the one that best suits your needs at all times. Remember that all products with the Green Seal help to protect the environment where we live.

The future of energy

If, in your day-to-day life, you act in an ethical and committed manner, why not do the same with your energy supply? Choose green, clean, efficient energy, sustainably generated and adaptable to your needs. Let your energy be as committed as you are to your business. Because the energy you consume says a lot about you.

renewable energy certifications

We produce 100% energy from renewable sources and sell electricity, natural gas and energy efficiency. On the invoice you will check the origin of the energy you consume. It is important that you know that, after the first year, you will be able to check the certification on the CNMC website.

We offer you the possibility of contracting 100% electricity rates from renewable sources. Green energy produced through inexhaustible natural resources that do not generate greenhouse gases or contaminating emissions.

We offer you the possibility of contracting 100% electricity rates from renewable sources


We offer you the possibility of contracting 100% electricity rates from renewable sources: private, commercial, large companies and administrations.

Renewable energies in Portugal

Renewable energies are the energy suppliers of the future because they are an inexhaustible source of resources.

Currently, they are one of the main sources of electricity in our country. Did you know that every year the energy consumed in Portugal from renewable sources increases?

The main sources of green energy are: solar energy, wind energy, biomass, geothermal and hydroelectric. Then, we approach them so that you know the particularities of each one and the respective competitive advantages.

wind energy

Wind energy is obtained by wind. Audax Renewables has 4 parks in Spain, one in France, another in Poland and is currently participating in the construction of a park in Panama.

Solar energy

Portugal is one of the European countries with the most hours of sunshine per day, with almost 3,000 hours of full electricity per year. Despite this encouraging data, there is a long way to go because our country continues to lag behind in solar energy production, behind countries like Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.

hydroelectric power

Hydroelectric power takes advantage of the movement of water and transforms it into electrical current. It is one of the most used natural resources to exploit in areas where the force of the water is particularly important, either in mighty rivers or in very rainy regions.

Audax Group and the environment

We produce 100% energy from renewable sources and sell electricity, natural gas and energy efficiency. An example of this is that, in addition to having our own wind and photovoltaic farms, we recently formalized the largest purchase agreement for energy produced with photovoltaic technology in the world, a historic milestone in the global energy market. In March 2018, the energy group AUDAX formalized a PPA with COX ENERGY. An example of this is that, in addition to having our own wind and photovoltaic farms, we recently formalized the largest purchase agreement for energy produced with photovoltaic technology in the world, a historic milestone in the global energy market. In March 2018, the energy group AUDAX formalized a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) or long-term energy purchase contract with COX ENERGY, which marks a new milestone in the global energy market for renewable energies that will become the new reference in the European energy market, becoming the largest agreement of this type to date concluded for the purchase of energy produced with solar photovoltaic technology. This important PPA encompasses a total volume of 660 MW of installed power, sufficient to supply 1,300 GWh per year of renewable energy or green energy, equivalent to the consumption of more than 390,000 homes, which will come from the solar generation facilities that COX ENERGY will develop in together with an international strategic partner in different locations in Spanish and Portuguese geography. The contract establishes that Cox Energy will supply the agreed electricity sales with an installed capacity of 495 MWp in Spain and 165 MWp in Portugal. The projects will begin construction throughout this year and will gradually come into operation until 2020. The total value of the investment will exceed 400 million euros.

With this contract, AUDAX consolidates itself as an energy company focused on renewable energy, which is committed to green and clean energy in a clear commitment to its customers and the environment. The signed PPA is the first of a strategic plan, resulting from the alliance between AUDAX and COX ENERGY, to develop photovoltaic generation projects in all European countries where AUDAX is present (Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Poland and Netherlands). The 660 MW of this solar PPA position Spain and Portugal as the European countries with the highest volume of renewable energy sold through this type of agreement.

Likewise, Audax Renewables, together with its local partners, started the project for the Toabré wind farm in Panama, initiating construction work for the first phase of 66 MW of installed capacity for the wind farm. The project located in the municipalities of Penonomé and Antón will include the installation of 20 Vestas V117 model turbines. The construction period is expected to last a maximum of 22 months, including the construction of 66 MW, two substations and a 27 km energy evacuation line sized for future phases, with an estimated production of 240 GWh/year.

We produce 100% energy from renewable sources and sell electricity, natural gas and energy efficiency, being present in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, France and Hungary, with a diverse and stable portfolio of more than 363,000 customers.

We are aware of climate change, its causes and consequences. We offer you the possibility of contracting 100% electricity rates from renewable sources, with the aim of achieving sustainable, clean and responsible energy consumption. By constantly acting ethically and consciously in the use of energy, we are significantly helping to preserve the environment.

Remember that the energy you consume says a lot about you. Join a green and sustainable company! You can do it with Audax's green tariffs.

Self-consumption: Produce your own green energy!

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